About Me

- libbyquilter
- i am a creative person. mother to a daughter who is an active young woman and a constant blessing in my life. i hope that you enjoy your visit here and that you will return often.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
~!!~a total of 4 yards~!!~
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Henry David Thoreau
i've been allowing myself to take life a little slower or perhaps i should say i've been allowing myself to ENJOY taking life a little slower. the end of summer can be a sad time for me . . . i hate to see it all end so soon and i know that a loooong winter is almost upon us . . . the whole thing kind of throws me into a temporary funk.
since moving to a tropical climate is not currently one of my choices i've been doing a lot of reading (rather than a lot of blogging). some of the books i've read are pure pleasure. just a good story to immerse myself in as i feel the sunshine on my skin and breathe the warm garden scented air as the summer season fades into fall.
some of my reading choices have been more about spiritual growth and a desperate attempt to drive back the ugliness of a recently mounting depression. in addition to this reading i've been practicing becoming more mindful of the moment through reflection and meditation.
i'm happy to say that it has been quite effective.
i am getting back into the rhythms of living in the "right here ~ right now". as has happened before, once i get back into the simplicity of that lifestyle i feel great peace and happiness. it's amazing to me that it's both so easy and so hard to keep oneself in the present moment; that i've been here before and with similar results and yet somehow the busyness of life can and will insert itself into the equation if i'm not constantly diligent about the practice . . .
so this is where i've been and what i've been up to. my internet time has been cut down drastically and i do miss it but MUST moderate it in order to find a better sense of balance within my life. so if you notice that i'm visiting a little less often this is why. hopefully you'll bear with me as i work to find this balance. there is a part of me that wants to apologize for this but in truth i am not sorry nor do i really have anything to be sorry for. i began my blog as a way to record thoughts and creativity primarily and a way to interact with others of like mind secondarily. i'm happy with that and hope you are too.
this all relates nicely to the joy i feel while i have my photographer's hat on as well. when i am behind the lens of my camera i am absorbed by what is happening in the here and now. my attention is completely within the moment and discovering what it has to reveal to me. i love being able to capture that moment and share it with the viewer. there may be future posts that have only photos and no words . . . or fewer words . . . don't be alarmed or worried if this happens; it's just me enjoying my moments and sharing them with you in hopes that you too might get some pleasure from them.
i went for a tour around the garden this a.m. and found much abundance and beauty that i want to share with you.

the background (green) fabric is one of my own hand dyed bits.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
we have already had a couple of pretty hard frosts and much of the garden is looking a bit golden.
this a.m. i caught sight of these seedpods on the hollyhocks and liked their illuminated look . . . then i went to capture some more seedy garden goodness and i discovered the columbine in bloom AGAIN. it looks a bit confused with a dried seed pod AND a blossom coming from the same plant . . . and what is even weirder is that this is the third time this year that this particular plant has sent up blossoms. not sure what's happening but am taking the time to appreciate the tiny bit of yellow goodness that has shown itself once again.

obviously the buttons and the tatted piece were not included in the kit but it did have plenty of everything called for by the easily understood pattern.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

it influenced what i was working on quite a bit . . .
even though i haven't quite finished it i would recommend this book.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
lesson three pertains to incorporating text into a piece.

i'm starting to feel much more comfortable working in my PSE7 program however my pace