much of the rest of the country (U.S.) is under snow. we certainly should be but when i walk outside this is what i'm seeing.
the iris pushing up out of it's winter mulch towards the sun. see it's wrinkly new leaf goodness?see that bright sunshine?
and there are daffodils crowding out of the ground too.
strangely, the crocus have not made an appearance.
i don't know whether to laugh or cry. it's extremely early for any of this to be happening here and i imagine a killing frost coming at just the wrong time . . .
to celebrate or not? stay tuned.
it's time to link up with Julie and friends for Art Journal Every Day and i have a page to share. this is page six for the Journal52 project.
all about "the lost art of love letters". this was the love letter that was whispered to me early one morning.
i'm at risk of never catching up with the Journal52 prompts. i'm not sure whether to laugh or cry about that either . . .
it seems that my heART and stitching fingers had a mind all their own this a.m. and rather than paying attention to one of the pages prompted by the project i started and stitched on another small fabric page . . . as i was thinking about ageing/turning 50 (more laughter and tears). going in circles. and trying to be okay with that.
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards."
or so said: Steve Jobs.
recently i sent my wonderful daughter a fun envelope in the mail. nothing remarkable on the inside but it was quite 'happy' on the outside.
snail mail is still the best in my world.
connecting up with:

recent gifts include:
- space in my life from letting go of some stuff
- clean hair
- sunshine in blue skies
- green grass peeking through the dormant matt of last years growth
- thoughts of planting seeds