there is always some creative eye candy within the comments on TAST posts and this week is no exception.
Christine, Claudia and Miriam have all gone whimsical with kites. i LOVE this example of the stitch serving a purpose within clothing in a decorative way.
it turns out that one does not have to use three straight stitches for the first run of stitches as shown in Lins Arty Blobs. very cool~!!~
i have wanted to create my own carved stamps for a very long time. i've researched and read and daydreamed and i even bought all of the supplies i'd need over a year ago and yet i still hadn't actually done it.
what was my problem~!?
i was concerned about it being difficult and time consuming and yes, that i'd make some mess of a stamp that i could only use by hiding it cleverly in the farthest back part of some background work.
last week i finally did it and none of those things happened. it was extremely easy and the cutting of it didn't hurt my hands at all (i have puny hand strength). it took me about an hour and that was from my first "gee, maybe i could just unpackage the tools and read over things" thought to actually having used my very first homemade stamp.
AND it turned out absolutely fabulously~!!~
the first thing that has to be done (after the unpackaging thing) is a decision must be made in regards to what the stamp is going to be . . .

i decided to give it a go using my small (app. 2" tall x 1" wide) pear sketch.
and then i transferred the sketch onto the pink carving material and got to work carving it.
as you can see i enjoyed stamping it out on various papers. see the image in the middle of my process collage? i turned it into this:

feel free to click on the images if you want to see them better.
i hope to be making another fruit stamp this weekend as well as all sorts of stamps eventually.
if you have been thinking about making your own stamps my advice is: jump in and TRY IT~!
i'm looking forward to my artwork being that much more original because i no longer have to rely on pre-made stamps. there are lots of beautiful ones to choose from but there is nothing like having a certain 'vision' for a project and being able to make that happen independently of what may or may not be available for purchase.
i also really like the rough look of the hand carved stamps as opposed to manufactured ones.
now all of that having been said i'll show some of the tags that i've recently made, all of which used at least one purchased stamp.

leaf stamps are favorites of mine and i have several but i'm still looking forward to making a few of my own.
now i can pick up any attractive leaf that i find, carry it home, sketch it out and voila; i'll not only have another stamp to use but i'll also have the memory of all that went into it. being a creative person means that those are good memories for me~!
it may be a while before i carve anything as detailed as the butterfly or as cute as this little mouse stamp but i'm going to have fun practicing.

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the 15 minute challenge
this week included time spent on the the hexie quilt top and the TAST project (postcard) as well as
surprise applique project.
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recent gifts include:
- rain
- the sunshine afterwords
- a tasty (homemade) pad thai
- a hot cup of ginger tea with honey